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Seasonal Affective Disorder Self-Care: How to Combat the Winter Blues

As the months become colder and the days become shorter, you may begin to feel the effects of the weather and sunlight changes on your body. Noticing the shorter days and less sunlight is normal, however, some individuals may feel these changes more intensely. These individuals are experiencing a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD).  […]

4 Sleep Routines to Look and Feel Your Best & Supercharge Your Health

  These days, it seems like everyone is searching for that perfect night of rest. Unfortunately, Healthy People 2030 notes that 1 in 3 Americans are not sleeping well. The costs of poor sleep go beyond just feeling tired. Sleep deprivation is a real concern, and can affect your productivity in the workplace or at […]

How do I get a 100 sleep score?

As part of your Eight Sleep Membership, the Pod’s technology measures your sleep data to determine a personalized Sleep Fitness Score. This score serves as an indicator of sleep health and makes it easy to monitor sleep quality.  What is Sleep Fitness? At Eight Sleep, we are working to change the conversation around sleep. We […]